10 Signs someone is toxic

10 Signs someone is toxic

  1. You feel you have to constantly save them / fix them / help them / listen to their problems
  2. You cover up for them / keep secrets / make excuses for them / explain or justify their behaviour
  3. You listen to and / or find yourself joining in with their gossip / judgements of others
  4. You avoid / dread seeing them. You feel you ‘have’ to or ‘should’ spend time with them
  5. You feel drained after you’ve spoken to them / seen them
  6. You get angry, sad, depressed when you spend time with them
  7. The conversation is always about them, their drama, or their excuses about why they didn’t do what they said they’d do / why they let you down (again)
  8. You try to help them but they always dismiss your advice, or tell you they’ll ‘be fine’. It becomes clear they don’t want you to help them, they just want your sympathy and attention
  9. They never ask you how you are. If they do, they don’t ‘actively’ listen or seem interested in supporting you to live your Best Life. They quickly refocus the conversation on themselves.
  10. They ignore your needs, don’t hear ‘no’, and don’t respect your boundaries


Do you think you have ever (unintentionally) been the toxic person in a friendship / relationship?

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